Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Study Hard, Party Hard, Hi Mom!

Hello readers! I hope things are going well in your life because as of right now I love the college life!

As a pre-med major it is mandatory for me to take Biology. Let me tell you how fun it is. Well, we had our mid-term last Tuesday over day one of my college Biology class. So the test was on Tuesday, I started studying on the weekend 5 P.M. Saturday up until 4 A.M Tuesday morning. I will honestly say that I have not ever studied or prepared for a test that much than this one. Since my hall is mostly pre-med majors, we all collaborate to congregate and study together. Beze Underground was where I resided. Going over Punnett Squares, flower parts, RNA, and DNA, I felt my brain was on the verge of bursting. Some of us had our first breakdown. Morgan, my neighbor, had her breakdown and talked to her mom for about two hours. Stress was definitely a factor. The lack of sleep, and the understanding why people drop out of college was coming in line. Lucky me that was not my only mid-term. I also had another one for Essential Computer Skills. On the other hand, I will honestly say that the preparation for that test was not as rigorous as Biology.

It was only common sense that after a rough week that as a hall we must celebrate! Clubbing was the option. Not all of the hall mates were able to attend. Some went home for fall break. John Boxberger, my suitemate, Riley Walker and I were the only boys that stayed. Awkwardly, the only male in the what we called the “clubbing crew” I made the best of it. This past weekend was Parents weekend for the Trinity soccer team. We had two homes games both of which we came out on top. It was tough fight against Centre College and DePauw University. I got to spend ample time with my family including my dogs. My brother drove up from the valley where he is in pharmacy school. I got my haircut for the first time since coming to school, and most importantly I got to eat two home cook meals. Saturday night was a soccer banquet. It was inspiring to see the faces of the seniors this year. When they were freshmen there was around 14 that came in, and now there is only five left. That’s about it. Those are the highlights of my two weeks

Until next time, keep it classy!

Jeremy Huynh

P.S. The hall’s diet is going well. Morgan and the rest of the girls are eating healthy.

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