Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Last, but not Least

Sadly to all readers, this will be my last blog entry. These past two weeks have been quite the ups and downs with both soccer and an personal lives of my Beze hall mates. These past weekends were eventful both personally and emotionally. Last weekend, Trinity soccer finished off their last conference games. This meant that it was the last official home game of the season for them. Coming into the week on a high note, the hall had a Biology exam to look forward to; hence my weekend was filled with soccer and on my downtime revolved around studying and getting enough sleep to function. As much as I studied, it paid off. I got a 22/25 on the multiple choice portion of exam, and the essay portion has yet to be graded. The hall graded varied, but one this was all the same; we are all glad that was over! Morgan and I decided to treat ourselves with ice cream at Amy’s that night.

With my Biology test over, I was looking forward to Trinity Soccer’s Second Round game against Hardin Simmons. Others were looking forward to the Rock n’ Roll Half Marathon with Dean Tuttle, or just catching up on sleep. Morgan, Savannah, Kevin, and Lucy participated in the half marathon. They ran 13.1 miles! Quite the accomplishment in my book. They came back sore and walking as if they were old. Morgan had blisters all over her foot. They were gross. As for me, I had a game later that Sunday. Hardin Simmons was a team we have beaten in the season 4-0, but it was a different story this weekend. With only 22 suiting up for the game, I was sitting on the crowd side. Yelling and not being able to sit still, I cheered the team on as much as I could. Unfortunately, we lost 2-0. Coach was speechless. I was shocked of what I witnessed and didn’t know how to react.

On the positive side of things, Thanksgiving is coming up. I cannot wait to be home. Liz and Morgan, now with the marathon over, is dieting in a more focused fashion. She rationalized before that trying to lose weight before the marathon is pointless. It was put on pause until after the race. I hope for the best for all my readers and my hall mates. Happy Thanksgiving!

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